Three men were ‘determined’ to abuse ‘powerless’ girls from Rotherham children’s home, court hears

Two girls were ‘sexually groomed’ after becoming reliant on alcohol from their abusers
Two girls were conditioned into being abused by a Rotherham grooming gang that was determined to exploit them, a court has heard.
Absolom Sigiyo, Romulad Houphouet and Jacek Brzozowski are standing trial for 12 charges between them, including several counts of rape.
The girls, the court heard, were “powerless to prevent the actions” of the older and more mature individuals determined to exploit them for sexual purposes.”
Sheffield Crown Court heard that Houphouet allegedly raped one of the girls on the first night he met her, attacking her in an alleyway before introducing the girl to Sigiyo and other males “who were undoubtedly present”.
Mr Gordon Stables, on behalf of the prosecution, said that it would have been “obvious” to the men that the girls were underage at the time over a decade ago.
Houphouet allegedly raped the same girl later that evening and Sigiyo raped the other victim, Mr Stables told the court.
On that occasion, the prosecution said that the girls were “significantly impaired” by drink, so much so that one of the victims has “absolutely no recollection whatsoever of the events of that night”.
It was alleged that the men held regular house parties in which the girls “were given attention and made to feel wanted and grown-up”.
The defendants were also known by nicknames, with Houphouet known as “Jay”, Sigiyo known as “Abby”, and Brzozski known as “Jack.”
The crown said that Houphouet chose one girl and Sigiyo another, with both victims being “conditioned” to the abuse.
But Mr Stables said that the psychological effect of this grooming was conducted to such an extent that Sigiyo’s victim believed that he was her boyfriend.
Jurors were told that the girls were reminded that they were “the subject of sexual attraction and would be having sex during or at the end of the night”.
The alleged abusers and their associates maintained “control” over the girls by inciting them to drink to excess.
The court heard that both girls had become “reliant” on alcohol and tobacco provided by the men that they could not afford.
This process meant that the girls were being “sexually groomed within an environment of dependency,” the prosecution alleged
Both of the girls were living in a children’s home in Rotherham when the abuse started, jurors were told, with the prosecutor noting that they were young teenagers at the time.
Both girls were abused several times a week over a period of six months, the court has been told.
Mr Stables said that there was a “huge disparity” in both age and maturity between the girls and the alleged offenders.
“There was an inevitable imbalance of power and the conditions were ripe to exploit,” he said.
Jurors were also told that one of the girls endured various levels of force amid the rapes she endured, with Houphouet accused of pushing and pinning her down.
It was also alleged that Houphouet reacted angrily to finding one of the girls having sex with Brzozowski, and that his immediate response was to rape her “in a violent and vengeful manner.”
The defendants
Houphouet, 37, from Sheffield, has been charged with four counts of rape.
Sigiyo, 41, from Rotherham, has been charged with rape, attempted rape and witness intimidation, which is alleged to have occurred after one of the victims started her engagement with the NCA.
Brzozowski, 35, from Rotherham, faces a charge of engaging in sexual activity and inciting sexual activity with a girl aged between 13 and 15.
At the start of proceedings this morning, Brzozski pleaded guilty to the first count but he will still stand trial for the alleged inciting of sexual activity.