A teenage girl kept waking up every morning with bruises on her body, and her parents had no idea how it was happening.
At first, the bruises were small and faint, so they didn’t worry too much. But as time went on, the bruises started showing up more often and became darker and more noticeable. This made her parents very concerned.
Things got worse when the girl went to summer camp. She wore shorts, and the camp staff noticed the bruises on her legs. The staff thought something might be wrong at home and reported it to social services, believing the girl might be a victim of abuse.
Meanwhile, the girl’s parents were also very worried and decided to take her to the doctor to figure out what was going on.
Before the doctor’s appointment, social workers visited their home. They explained that they had received a report about possible child abuse.
The parents were shocked because they loved their daughter and would never hurt her. However, they couldn’t explain why their daughter had bruises, which made things look suspicious.
The social workers talked to the girl, and she told them the truth: nobody was hurting her. She said she just woke up with bruises every morning.
The parents told the social workers that they already had a doctor’s appointment scheduled to find out what was happening. The social workers agreed to wait for the doctor’s results before taking further action.
When they went to the doctor, he ran several tests to check if the girl had a medical condition, like an iron deficiency, that could cause easy bruising. The results came back normal, meaning there was nothing medically wrong with her.
The parents were relieved that their daughter was healthy, but they were also frustrated because they still didn’t know where the bruises were coming from.
Desperate for answers, the father decided to buy a camera and set it up in her bedroom to record her while she slept.
That night, they kissed her goodnight, turned off the lights, and let the camera record. The next morning, the girl had fresh bruises again. Her parents immediately checked the footage to see what had happened.
What they saw on the video shocked them. Their daughter wasn’t just moving in her sleep—she was crawling around on her bed. But it wasn’t normal crawling.
She was crawling backward in a strange, unnatural way. It looked so eerie and unusual that her parents described it as almost inhuman, like something out of a scary movie.
Although the video was disturbing, the parents finally understood why their daughter was waking up with bruises. Her strange movements while crawling backward were causing her to bump into the bed frame and other parts of the bed, leaving her covered in bruises.
The parents showed the video to the social workers to prove that their daughter wasn’t being abused. The case was immediately closed, and the social workers apologized. The family was also referred to a sleep specialist to help the girl with her unusual sleep behavior.
In the end, the mystery of the bruises was solved, but the whole experience left the family shaken. They were relieved to have answers and to clear their name, but the video of their daughter’s strange movements was something they would never forget.