
Doctor issues important warning to anyone taking supplements including Vitamin D


Dr. Jo Ward shared important advice on TikTok for people who take Vitamin D, St. John’s Wort, zinc, or magnesium supplements. She warned her 37,000 followers to “be careful” when using these supplements.

She explained that many people in the UK take Vitamin D, especially from September to May, because the sunlight isn’t strong enough for our bodies to make it naturally. However, she stressed that taking Vitamin D alone isn’t a good idea. It should always be taken with Vitamin K2. Without K2, Vitamin D can cause calcium to build up in your arteries, which can be harmful. Vitamin K2 helps prevent this, so it’s best to find a supplement that combines both.

Dr. Ward also warned about St. John’s Wort, a herbal remedy. It can interfere with other medications, like birth control pills, making them less effective and potentially leading to unplanned pregnancies. It can also affect blood thinners and heart medications, so she advised checking with your doctor if you’re taking these.

She also mentioned that taking zinc, magnesium, and calcium together in one supplement isn’t ideal. These minerals compete for absorption in the body, so it’s better to take them separately, especially in high doses. She recommended taking zinc with food and magnesium at night for better results.

Many people on TikTok thanked Dr. Ward for her advice. One user said not all doctors understand supplements, so they appreciated her guidance. Another praised the useful information, while a third pointed out that it depends on your health condition.

Healthline supported Dr. Ward’s advice about Vitamin D and K2, explaining that Vitamin D helps maintain calcium levels in the blood, but Vitamin K ensures the calcium goes to the right places, like bones and teeth, and not soft tissues like blood vessels, which can lead to health problems.

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