
Man Disappears After Winning The Lottery, 3 Years Later Police Uncover A Clue


Winning the lottery is a dream many people have. They imagine how life would change if they suddenly became rich. But what happens when that dream comes true? For some, it doesn’t turn out to be the happy ending they hoped for.

In fact, it can lead to serious problems, especially when people around them start acting out of greed. This is exactly what happened to a man named Abraham Shakespeare from Florida. His story is a sad and shocking one, showing how money can bring out the worst in people.

In 2006, Abraham Shakespeare won a massive $30 million lottery jackpot. After paying taxes, he was left with $17 million. Overnight, he became a very wealthy man. But instead of enjoying his newfound fortune, his life quickly turned into a nightmare.

As soon as word spread about his win, people started coming out of nowhere, asking for money. Even a friend who had gone with him to buy the lottery ticket claimed that Abraham had stolen the winning ticket from his wallet.

The friend demanded $1 million and took the case to court. Abraham won the lawsuit, but the experience left him feeling unsafe. He decided to move away from the neighborhood he grew up in and settled into a gated community, hoping for some peace.

But the problems didn’t stop there. People soon found out where he was living and continued to harass him for money. Abraham felt alone and overwhelmed. He was far from home, and the constant pressure from friends and family was too much to handle.

Around this time, a woman named Dee Dee Moore entered his life. She was someone Abraham had known in the past, and she convinced him that she wanted to help manage his finances. Together, they set up a company called Abraham Shakespeare LLC, and Dee Dee took full control of his money.

At first, Abraham had been careful with his spending. He had only bought a few big things, like a million-dollar home, a Rolex watch, and a new car. But Dee Dee saw an opportunity.

She realized that Abraham wasn’t paying close attention to his finances, so she started spending his money on herself. She bought expensive cars and went on luxurious vacations, spending over $1 million. Meanwhile, Abraham became quieter and more withdrawn. People started to notice that something was wrong. Eventually, the police got involved, and they discovered a shocking truth: Abraham had disappeared.

Dee Dee Moore was the first suspect. She told the police different stories about where Abraham might be, even claiming she had helped him escape from the constant harassment. But as time went on, Dee Dee’s own financial problems started to surface. She had spent so much of Abraham’s money that she couldn’t pay for the cars, the house, or other things she had bought. She was in deep trouble. To make matters worse, she even faked a story about being raped and kidnapped, saying she was being forced to give up money.

As people grew more suspicious, they started to wonder where Abraham really was. His family and friends, who had once been pressuring him for money, began to worry about him. They received strange text messages from Abraham’s phone, but something felt off. The messages were written in a way that didn’t sound like him. They were full of big, complicated words, and Abraham never answered phone calls. His loved ones started to suspect that it wasn’t Abraham sending those messages—it was Dee Dee. Whenever they asked tough questions, she would ignore them or leave the messages unanswered. She was pretending to be Abraham to cover up her own actions.

As time went on, Abraham’s family became more and more concerned. They hadn’t heard from him in a long time, and they knew something was wrong. They finally went to the police and pointed them in Dee Dee’s direction. When the police searched her home, they made a horrifying discovery. Buried in her backyard, nine feet deep, was Abraham Shakespeare’s body.

Dee Dee tried to come up with different stories to explain what had happened. She blamed drug dealers and even Abraham’s estranged son. But her lies didn’t hold up. After being questioned by the police, she finally confessed.

She claimed that she had killed Abraham in self-defense, saying he had been abusive. But the police didn’t believe her. They searched her home and found all of Abraham’s money in cash. Dee Dee had taken everything from his bank accounts and spent it recklessly. She even tried to pay people to take the blame for the murder, offering up to $200,000 to anyone who would say they had killed Abraham.

In the end, Dee Dee Moore’s lies caught up with her. The police saw through her act, and she was arrested. Her bail was set at $1 million, but she had already spent all the money she had stolen. She couldn’t pay the bail, so she stayed in jail. In 2012, Dee Dee Moore was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Abraham Shakespeare’s story is a tragic reminder of how money can change people’s lives in unexpected ways. What started as a dream come true turned into a nightmare, all because of greed and betrayal. It’s a cautionary tale about the dangers that can come with sudden wealth and the importance of being careful about who you trust.