When Alex was only a little boy, his parents abandoned him because of his disability. However, he got adopted by a caring doctor. What he did next to repay her is unbelievable
It was 1 AM when Alex’s parents carefully snuck out of the house, looking behind them several times to be sure they weren’t being watched. They placed the baby in the back seat of their clunky car and sped off. About 30 minutes later, they got to the doorpost of the hospital where Alex had been born. Luckily for them, the security guard was nowhere to be seen.
He could be out at any moment, so they needed to act fast. Alex’s dad didn’t even bother coming out of the car. His mom quickly took him out of his seat, placed him in a basket, and dropped him on the floor. Without looking back, she ran back into the car and left with her boyfriend. Neither of them felt guilty for abandoning their only child, all because he didn’t fit into what they could call a handsome and healthy baby.
Alex was born with a strange abnormal growth around his neck. This disability created a barrier between him and his parents as they found it hard to connect with him. Most times, after his mom breastfed him, she would immediately put him away and lock him up in his room so any unexpected guest wouldn’t see him. His parents also hated the horrible stares they got whenever they went out with him.
Besides that, their finances suffered a lot because Alex required around-the-clock care, so they blamed the little boy for their misfortune. Unable to bear it any longer, they abandoned him at the hospital. The little boy lay there in the cold without crying or making any sound. It was as if he knew he was all alone in the world and needed to be strong for himself.
It wasn’t until 7 AM before a cleaner finally noticed the basket in the corner where Alex’s mother had carefully hidden it. She was horrified when she realized that the abandoned, sleeping six-month-old baby had an abnormal growth on his neck.
Filled with worry and pity, she quickly lifted the baby in her arms. She took him inside the hospital to keep him warm from the cold that had already turned his skin pale. The cleaner wasted no time in sharing the terrifying discovery with the staff. They were all worried for the little boy and did their best to make him feel better. They fed him, cradled him, and sang for him while they did.
The hospital director arrived hours later. The director of the clinic, Dr. Amelia, was well known for her kindness and compassion and had earned a reputation for her dedication to saving lives. Her unique approach of not charging exorbitant fees like many other clinics made her widely respected and loved among the people in her community. As Dr. Amelia settled into her office, ready to begin her day’s work, she suddenly heard a soft knock on the door.
She invited the person in and was surprised to see the cleaner holding nothing but an empty basket in her hands. In a gentle tone, Dr. Amelia encouraged her staff to share whatever the problem was. Through tears, the cleaner recounted how she had picked up the baby boy with an abnormal growth on his neck, left out in the cold by the clinic entrance. There was nothing else in the basket except a dirty paper stating the boy’s name.